Sunday, March 21, 2021

Reading 08


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This week we had to write our introduction and conclusion to our chapter topics. Reflecting on the writing process up until now, I think this part has been an easier task to complete.  For the introduction, I introduced the topic of serious games and explained the definition of serious game for readers as it I did not include it in my themes for the topic. To explain serious games, I needed to re- visit a few of the reading materials.  This then allowed me to carry on to explaining the challenges of serious  games and some ways to overcome the challenges.  The conclusion was a bit more tricky to write without feeling like I was repeating what was already mentioned in the conclusion. Looking over the main points and conclusions of the thematic paragraphs did help. The videos on the multidev website also helped with giving pointers on providing interesting stories, statistics and questions for the introduction as well conclusion phrases and starters. Reflecting on the process, the annotated bibliographies were the most arduous task due to not being used to reading academic papers. The papers varied in length and would take longer to gather notes. However, if I were to repeat the process I will somewhat more confident than I did starting the first time.

Link to writing document can be found HERE.

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