Sunday, April 18, 2021



We are nearing the end of this semester and the book we’ve been working throughout the semester is in its final editing stages. This week, Shaun has given us a useful tip for adding our bibliographies using Microsoft Word. There is a section in References where you can add citations and manage different options such as citation style, author, source type etc. To be honest, I haven’t paid too much attention to the references section in word as I didn’t need it until now for our writing. So it was helpful to see how it worked and I know it will be a useful tool for future assignments.

In addition, this week I worked on fixing my writing following suggestions left in the comments in our shared Google Doc. I made sure to also add links to the authors I referenced throughout my writing to make it  more accessible since our work will be made available as an e-book. I already had quite  a few supporting graphs from the papers I have read. Instead I focused on making a quick illustration to represent my topic at the start of the chapter shown below.

I also made a quick self-portrait illustration for my author biography since I didn’t feel comfortable sharing and image of myself. It may have taken a bit of extra work than just taking a picture but it was relaxing to just doodle something and served as  nice little break from other assignments.


  We are nearing the end of this semester and the book we’ve been working throughout the semester is in its final editing stages. This week,...